The Significance of Lighting Oil Lamps in Diwali !!!
Why do people light diyas at Diwali?
It’s time to step up into festive vibe and revamp your home-decoration. Here are some home decor items you can buy during Diwali sales.
Har nayi Diwali ki shuruwat naye diya aur Cotton Wicks (Kapus, Rui) se hoti hai. Iske binna Diwali adhuri hai. For that, you need to know why it is important to light diyas during Diwali or any festive seasons.
And more importantly in this article, you will get to know more about the significance of lighting oil lamps during the Diwali Festival.
Table of Contents
The Significance of Lighting Diya during Diwali Festival
There is a lot more to the humble oil lamp, it’s quite important to know other than the use of providing light and aesthetics. In this blog, you will find out more detailed benefits about how you can create an ambiance of energy and positivity in your home.

The Significance of Lighting Oil Lamps during the Diwali Festival !!!
In India, almost every household has a custom of lighting a diya or deepam twice a day- in the morning and evening. This is a regular practice while doing prayer or people follow these practices just casually every day- Because they firmly believe in its energy and the atmosphere it creates. All ceremonies, daily start with the lighting of the lamp.
Diya is essential in Hinduism because it signifies purity, goodness, good luck, and power. The existence of light means there is a non-existence of darkness and evil forces.
The celebration is auspicious in so many different ways. In India, itself people have completely forgotten why every year on Amavasya- (No-moon light) they celebrate Diwali, a festival of lights.
Since Diwali is celebrated on the new moon day when there is supreme darkness everywhere; people lit up a row of lights to get rid of the evil forces and all those negativity in their life. So, diyas are lit in every corner of the house to weaken those evil forces.
Deeper Significance of Diya: The oil in the diya symbolizes the dirt in the human mind- such as greed, jealousy, hatred, lust, etc. Which all human minds tend to nurture. The Cotton (Kapaas, Rui) in Diya is symbolic of the Atma- The Self or the soul. The diya presents light when the oil is burnt by the wick. Hence, the lighting of the diyas signifies that one needs to get rid of the selfish and materialistic thoughts and unpleasant thoughts and motives. This eventually sets one’s mind from all sadness, and guides the path toward the inner side and light up his emotions and happiness and knows the purpose of life.
Purchase of Diyas and Cotton (Kapaas, Rui)

As per Indian tradition and cultural reasons, it is recommended that one should purchase diyas on Ashwin Purnima, which is a full moon day, 15 days prior to Diwali. Then the diyas are supposed to be soaked in water till they are saturated and then they are ready for the Diwali Puja.
In this section, you will find out more detailed benefits about how you can create an ambiance of energy and positivity in your home.
Oil lamps were a part of various traditions and cultures around the world until electric lights became popular. The earliest known oil lamp can be dated back to the Catholic Age, about 4500 to 3300 B.C. Today, their use is limited to only a few homes and festivals like Diwali and other cultural festivals and reasons, or otherwise, it’s just put up at home for visual appeal.
But there is a lot more to the humble oil lamp, it’s more than that the use of providing light and aesthetics. By lighting a Diya, a clay lamp, a row of lights can create an ambiance of energy and positivity.
Light is significant because of the way our eye visions are made. If our visual appeals were not made matching to it, let’ say that of an owl, light wouldn’t be very valuable to us.
People nowadays really don’t give and take respect for the light. They don’t really care about electricity, lights and we can find only a few houses which use a lamp. Most of them place it as a creative aesthetic in their homes.

Today you have electric lights so you may wonder why a lamp?
But you are not really looking into the bigger and older picture put yourself into the shoes of people who used to live a few hundred years ago, there was no possibility of doing anything indoor without a lamp. Historically, the lamp was an essential part of our homes because of two particular reasons.
One, there were no electric lights, Second part is home were built from organic and eco-friendly material so people couldn’t afford to open up huge windows, Generally, the houses in ancient times were dark inside. Even today, have you ever observed that old homes in villages and slums are generally dark? A lamp was kept even during the day, and a place of worship was created around it.
It is a part of a tradition that to create the right kind of atmosphere, the first thing to do is set up and lights a lamp.
Nowadays everything is automatic and electric. It’s all plastic everywhere, even the lights are not lit up real. But have you ever noticed when you light up a lamp/ a diya or clay lamps- if you are simply are there around it, you will notice it makes a difference.
It’s nothing related to superpowers, superstitious and godly beliefs. It need not even be dark, the lamp need not be a visual aid, but you notice it makes some kind of a difference? You really need to experience this. This is because the moment you light a lamp, not the flame itself but around the flame, a certain etheric sphere will naturally happen.
The communication and sense is better on where there is an etheric sphere, Have you ever sit around in your life? If you have ever done, you would have seen that stories, gossips, and talks shared around the campfire always have the maximum impact on people. This must have really chilled your bones. The storyteller of yore understood this- Stories told around the campfire are always the most effective stories. Receptivity power is the best.
This naturally comes from understanding that when you light a lamp, apart from the visual aspect, it fills the whole place with different kinds of energy through which we feel more ecstatically happy.

Lighting an oil lamp has certain implications. If you see certain vegetable oil, especially when you use sesame oil, castor oil, or ghee for that matter (ghee is nothing but it mostly used by Indians while lighting a lamp, it exudes positivity. It has totally a different field of energy)
Fire is a source of life and light in many ways. In fact, our life itself is referred to as fire in many languages. The fire in ourselves keeps us moving forward and we turn in to ourselves and are indifferent state of mind.
The sun the mains source of life on this planet is just a fireball, isn’t it? Whether you light an electric lamp or you cook at home with whatever kind of stove or the internal combustion engine in your car, it’s all still fire isn’t it? The main driving force in this world is fire. Fire is truly a source of life and it creates a different field of energy around itself and overall creates the necessary atmosphere in its vicinity.
So, the key takeaway is that when you light a lamp, it is symbolism; it’s a way of invoking your own inner nature.
Diwali is the festival of lights and it wouldn’t be half as beautiful without little LED and many other fancy-decorative lighting strung around the house that’s what most of us think. But that light consumes a lot more power and electricity.
Many people keep it powered on right from the evening and it’s still on power mode the next morning. And they complain that electricity is on the verge of rising. It’s better to stop complaining and better to choose wisely and opt for eco-friendly clay lamps, handcrafted lanterns, stay away from Plastic and ultra-fancy decorative lanterns – Keep it simple and try and opt for old-school earthen oil diyas, clay-lamps instead of energy-guzzling electrical lights.
These not only look stunning but are completely organic and traditional. You can also wash the diya and reuse it for many years. And it would be a great family time to paint designs on them. Make your children and neighborhood kids collaborate in painting diyas and lit up rows of lights.
Buying your diyas from poor vendors on the roadside will also help them celebrate the festival better.
This Diwali, Go Traditional and Support Eco-friendly.
As you now witness, The Diwali celebration is not just about lighting lamps outside – an inner light has to come.
Light means a pure clarity, without clarity, every other quality individual posses will only become a detriment, not a gift, because confidence without clarity is a disaster in this time. And today, too much of action in the world is being performed without clarity and the whole world has come to a standstill.
Diwali is the day when the dark forces were put to death and light happened. This is also the predicament of human life. Like the dark clouds passing in the gloomy atmosphere, not realizing that they are blocking the sunlight, in the case of human beings; one doesn’t have to bring any light from anywhere.
If the person dispels the dark clouds that have gathered inside one, the light will emerge. The Festival of Lights is just a reminder of that.
The main significance of this festival is that we bring new clarity within us it’s what we need during this time. This clarity will arise within us when we remove the cobwebs of the past, only when we remove the cobwebs of hate and prejudice, only when we remove the cover of ignorance within us, that a new clarity will arise. It is in this clarity which will lead us and the world to light.
On this Diwali may we all arise with new clarity and vision?
This Diwali let’s make a commitment to ourselves that we will bring clarity and light within ourselves. Or make it a point to bring a smile on people’s faces.
Please, do this and bring some light to the world around you also.
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